The world is full of real-life examples of individuals who, despite lacking technical expertise or higher education, launched successful businesses, purely through their positive outlook and unyielding resilience.

What are the key skills behind every successful entrepreneur???

Here I share with you the essential, foundational skills that I feel are required for all business founders, leading up to and during the startup days and also for growth, with a special focus on mindset and attitude, and their indispensable role in entrepreneurial success.

I also explain how each one is very much learnable and share some ideas to help you along the way. Key note - everyone has the potential and can learn these skills to start and grow their own business.

This Journal post is for you whether you have a glimmer of a business idea or you have a fully fledged business and would love to find ways to grow and expand, both personally and your business.



Entrepreneurship demands a unique concoction of skills, most of which revolve around the core principles of mindset and attitude. The world is full of real-life examples of individuals who, despite lacking technical expertise or higher education, launched successful businesses, purely through their positive outlook and unyielding resilience.

These narratives are some of the most heartwarming and inspiring stories, and underpin the undeniable importance of mindset and attitude in starting and growing a business.


Mindset & Attitude: The Cornerstones of A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS

Launching and growing a business is both exciting and arduous, and maintaining an unwavering spirit can be challenging. It is here that mindset and attitude come into play, as two of the most significant contributors to your business. An entrepreneur's mindset refers to their set of beliefs and thoughts that guide their actions, decisions, and interactions. Attitude, on the other hand, pertains to their approach towards challenges, failures, and success.

I, like many business owners, started a business without any prior business experience. I was not trained in a particular field, instead I had an abundance of passion, a very strong desire and reason, a clear vision with a series of goals and plenty of determination. I still believe, whole heartedly, that the success of a business is so much more down to the following key skills, than anything else.

My hope, is that you as read this post, you have a feeling of excitement that everything you are currently dreaming off, all those ideas and goals, each one is entirely possible to achieve … and more.

Even if we don’t have the skills we need in the moment, we need to know that we are capable, and that we will have the ability to find ways to execute our daily tasks and achieve our goals, both the small goals and the audacious ones.




Willing to learn - or embracing a Growth Mindset - implies the belief that skills and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective is vital, as it fosters resilience, encourages the acceptance of challenges, and helps overcome failures.

With a growth mindset, we begin to view failures not as the end of the road but as valuable feedback to learn and evolve.

It’s this willingness to learn and find solutions to problems and failures, that absolutely sets you up for success. The most successful people, are the ones that will have failed the most. They are also the ones who view these failures as learning steps, to help them find better solutions.



Being an entrepreneur requires dealing with uncertainty and setbacks. Maintaining an optimistic attitude towards such challenges propels entrepreneurs forward, allowing us to envision possibilities where others see problems. Embracing an optimistic attitude fuels our immeasurable creativity, facilitates risk-taking, and strengthens our resilience.



Even if we don’t have the skills we need in the moment, we need to know that we are capable, and that we will have the ability to find ways to execute our daily tasks and achieve our goals, both the small goals and the audacious ones.

This belief, known as self-efficacy, contributes to building an unstoppable can-do attitude. When we have high levels of self-efficacy and we focus on seeking out solutions, we will always remain motivated, we will persevere during the inevitable tough times, and we are far more likely to achieve our goals.



Setting up and growing a business is fraught with obstacles, it is the ultimate puzzle. The ability to bounce back from adversities, i.e., resilience, is a crucial trait that differentiates those who move forward and achieve success, and those who stumble and ultimately stall. Embracing and growing a resilient attitude helps us to navigate difficulties, adapt to changing situations, and emerge stronger and stronger.

I have met extraordinary people who have faced some of the most unimaginable tragedies, and yet, they are some of the most optimistic people I know.

HOW TO Learn & CultivatE these Skills IN FIVE WAYS:

While some individuals may naturally possess a more positive mindset and attitude, these qualities can absolutely be developed and strengthened.

Some of the above came naturally to me, and others I have very much needed to learn to embrace and grow into. The following strategies can help you to cultivate these pivotal entrepreneurial skills.

And as always, you have a choice whether to embrace and learn, or simply to succumb and decide otherwise … I have a feeling though that as you are here, you sit firmly in the former! In light of that, the following steps will help you to learn and cultivate the four key skills that every successful entrepreneur posses:


1. Embrace Challenges

Regularly stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing challenges can foster a growth mindset and build resilience. Understand that every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

As a child, we are all naturally born with the undeniable desire to learn, it leads us to mastering our most essential skills. And so often, as we reach adulthood, our desire to push ourselves further and learn new skills, can begin to wane as we limit ourselves, believing that it might be too late to learn new skills that feel outside of our natural character.

I remember this exact feeling when I had a dream to launch my own business. At the time I was in awe of other entrepreneurs. I felt their skills and experience were beyond anything I could develop … but as my desire to be my own boss grew, I became open to learning. I devoured every article, book and guide I could find. I spoke to experts who would generously give me their time. I was willing to test and trial. I knew that if I didn’t have specific experience or knew something important for my growth, this wasn’t my identity, it didn’t define me, it simply meant that I didn’t know it … YET!


2. Reframe Failures

Instead of viewing failures as setbacks, consider them as learning experiences. This approach will foster a positive attitude and resilience.

Everyone has the choice to be a pessimist, realist or an optimist, and regardless of what life throws at you, you can absolutely choose how to see the world and embrace any one of these attitudes. I have met extraordinary people who have faced some of the most unimaginable tragedies, and yet, they are some of the most optimistic people I know.

Optimism is infectious, unfortunately so is pessimism, so choose to surround yourself with those optimists and even on those tough days where you are facing failure after failure, it will be your fellow optimists that will help pull you through. And always look to return the favour.

A few years ago I volunteered as a mentor for the charity The Princes Trust. During that time, I had the opportunity to meet and support a young offender. Her story was heartbreaking, and given her circumstances, I think most of us could quite easily have ended up in her situation. What was extraordinary though, despite her earlier choices and failures, her focus on her future was wholly inspiring. She was determined to gain new skills, work hard and seek new opportunities. As she began to achieve her goals, she then in turn inspired those around her, she began to create an extraordinary ripple effect, having a far more profound impact than she had ever thought possible, simply because she decided to reframe the way she viewed her failures.



I truly believe that you have to have a very strong desire to start a business, and this is often the secret between why some start and for others their ideas, simply remain as exactly that. If your desire is strong enough, this will enable you to see past the obstacles and help you to pick yourself up after all the inevitable knock-backs. Once you have that steadfast vision and you can genuinely feel your desire, this is when the magic happens and you build and build, until there is simply no stopping you.

My original desire was simple, during my maternity leave with our first son, I was heartbroken at the idea of returning to work and leaving him. This incredibly strong desire and motivation was enough to help me to overcome those previous obstacles, to the point that finding a solution and making it work, was simply the only choice.

Take time to really understand your own desire and think through your vision. Visualise it, imagine what it will feel like once you have achieved it. Really, really put yourself into the shoes of your future self, knowing that it is entirely possible.

Having a strong desire wouldn’t necessarily be described as a skill, but the skill lies in the ability to really know who you are, to really understand what it is you want and to be prepared to find all the resources you need to make it happen.

Anyone and everyone can do this! You can definitely do this! And if you are in any doubt, send me a DM via INSTAGRAM and I will happily tell you otherwise!


4. Mindfulness

Regular mindfulness practices can promote a positive mindset, reduce stress, and enhance resilience. I think we are beginning to move beyond us simply thinking that mindfulness refers to meditation, and that instead mindfulness can be achieved through so many different ways, from exercising (whether rigorous cardio or a calmer yoga session on your mat), to any form of creativity (cooking, flower arranging, writing, needlework etc.), reading (I devour a weekly combination of art, travel and business publications - Conde Nast Traveller, FT Weekend and Fast Co. are current favourites) to breathwork (I discovered James Dowler a few years ago, who is quite extraordinary and offers a form of mediation that is perfectly suited to those whose minds tend to wander during more traditional meditation).

Having defined periods of time to actively focus away from your work and day to day tasks, and instead on tasks that require a different type of focus, one that helps you to embrace a calmer approach, this helps you to regain perspective, a sense of optimism and positivity.

We all have slightly different ways that help us to reach a sense of calm and a feeling of mindfulness. Some can be elaborate and require significant investments (I am dreaming of a home sauna and cold plunge pool one day!), and others as simple as a walk through your neighbourhood or an early morning coffee before everyone else wakes.


5. Mentorship & Networking

When we engage with mentors and peers, we gain new perspectives, foster learning, and improve our mindset and attitude. It’s important that these people are likeminded and tick the above skills. A supportive network can provide extraordinary levels of encouragement during challenging times.

I remember facing a very tricky period within our business, I spoke very openly to several people and was amazed by their level of support and kindness. They offered an amazing level of support, and I found talking through the situations and then in turn hearing their own similar experiences, alongside their varied solutions, helped me to find and implement my own solutions.

I often receive messages from those on our newsletter list, and when I can, I will always willingly share my thoughts and advice. And within our Masterclass Live Q&A sessions, I LOVE going very deep on helping every one of our students to find exact solutions to help their unique circumstances, alongside sharing the most practical frameworks and steps to help you establish and grow your own successful and profitable businesses. You can read more about our Creative Business Masterclass and join the current Waitlist HERE.

We all have slightly different ways that help us to reach a sense of calm and a feeling of mindfulness. Some can be elaborate and require significant investments, and others as simple as a walk through our neighbourhood or an early morning coffee, before everyone else wakes.

Success with your business goes beyond mere technical skills and financial resources. The significance of mindset and attitude in starting and growing a business is immense and unparalleled. Cultivating a growth mindset, optimism, self-efficacy, and resilience will help you immeasurably.

Whether you're contemplating starting a business or seeking to expand an existing one, remember to find ways to focus on your mindset and attitude, for they will be your most important skills to help you reach each one of your goals and dreams.

Philippa x



more in the journal